This is a Holistic program

I use Shadow work/Jungian philosophy, Success Mindset, and Dreamwork, in addition to practical approaches.

  • Our subconscious mind controls over 90% of our actions. We are unable to access what is hidden in our subconscious on our own.

  • In order to create deep, lasting change - you must access the subconscious mind. - This is where shadow work comes in.

This is for you if:

  • You have a deep inner calling to serve but get stuck in the weeds of running your business.

  • If you feel like you are working all the time and not getting results that match the energy you spend

  • You feel confused and/or overwhelmed in your business.

  • You are searching for the secret sauce to a purposeful, profitable business that everyone else needs to know

  • If you are ready to attract your Dream Clients in a way that matches your strengths

  • You may have been lost in group programs because you are not the “loud” one – I see you and hear you and won’t let you hide.

  • You are ready to generate income now with flow and ease

This Is NOT for you if:

  • If you want a cookie-cutter approach

  • If you want me to teach you one strategy that worked for me and you want to simply replicate it

  • If you are not willing to do the work

What You Will Receive

  •  Craft your Aligned and Client Journey – Birth programs that are aligned with your uniqueness -create your proprietary process
  • Connect with your true self to clarify your niche or not-niche – Be clear about who, what, and how you serve

  • Cultivate Your Strengths and Values as an Entrepreneur and structure your business to match you

  • Cultivate a marketing plan that works for you using your joy and your strengths

  • Work through subconscious blocks – the conditioning programming that has and will stop you from elevating your business 

The Details/Logistics

  • 3 small group coaching calls a month so you can not only receive coaching but also benefit from insights from other aligned business owners (limited to 8 participants).

  • 2, 30-minute 1:1 coaching calls with me to work through your subconscious blocks.

  • Aligned trainings so you can learn at your own pace. These trainings are on all things mindset, business, how to’s and more (lifetime access).

  • Powerful Visualizations so you can continue to break through the subconscious blocks whenever you need: whether it is next week or next year (lifetime access).

  • Elevate Your Business Exercises to provide clarity and take you and your business Guest Experts on Various topic.

  • Community Forum – connect with others in this community and receive answers in-between coaching sessions.

  • Group networking Events- Bi-monthly so you can cultivate relationships and build your network. With an aligned network, you can collaborate on projects and referrals.

Your Investment

Contact me for Payment Options -6 months at $697 a month


Add More 1:1 Coaching

  • Usually $2000- if you enroll and as part of this program Save $500 Your Investment would be: $1,500

    Use link:

  • BONUS: Vision Board Workshop


    When you are crafting Your aligned Vision, having a process that guides you step-by-step is invaluable. I created this course and have had such positive feedback. If you decide to book a call and enroll, you will receive this Bonus for free.

Key Elements of "Hiding to Shining"

For those of you who scrolled to the bottom :)

  • This is a Powerful 6-month experience.

  • You will have lifetime access to the trainings, visualization and worksheets.

  • Learn how to attract your dream clients with ease and flow

  • If you are familiar with Business Coaching You Know that I have made this accessible - by design. I have a deep desire to support you to Craft Your Purposeful, Profitable Business...

  • This is a Hybrid Program - Small groups of 8 or less AND 1:1 Coaching

  • If you know this is for you use the button below to schedule an elevation call

A Little More About Me

A FEW YEARS AGO...I was lost, confused, burnt out, and even had health challenges. But now... Through my work with coaches/mentors and training, I am fulfilling my purpose, owning my worth, and am successful.  

Do you feel lost, confused, stressed out or overwhelmed? Are you unsure about how you can fulfill your dream for a purposeful, profitable business?    

My calling is to empower emapths/sensitives/conscious souls to fulfill their dharma(purpose), forge their own Divine path, enhancing their intuition so they can reach their aligned success.  fulfill their calling, and forge their path.


  • Are there Payment Plan options?

    Yes, contact me personally to set up a payment plan that works best for you. 6 Payments of $697

  • How long will I have access to the trainings?

    You will have lifetime access

  • How do I know this will work for me?

    I am not only a serial entrepreneur but have been a successful coach for almost 9 years. I have worked with countless beautiful souls over the years - I guarantee that I am going to show up fully and not hold anything back...

  • What time are the group coaching calls?

    When we have the group formed, I will coordinate with you to find the most suitable time for most.

  • When are the 1:1 calls?

    We will schedule those together. If you have two calls, I suggest one in the beginning of the program and on later in the program.

  • What If I want to add more 1:1 coaching calls?

    There will be an option to add more calls at an investment available exclusively for the "Hiding to Shining" community.

  • I am not sure if I am ready for this yet, will you be offering this again?

    If there is part of you that is called to this program, there is usually never a better time than now. I will be offering this again, but I am not sure when. If you are not sure then book a 1:1 call with me and we can discuss this further.